What Makes You Feel Confident?
For National Eating Disorder Awareness week, Mentality’s staff is sharing what makes us feel great about our bodies.
Clothes that make me feel confident and allow me to express myself -Sara Cooper
Spending a night doing self-care -Sierra Daniels
Getting a haircut -Amelia Cacchione
Being around people who say nice things about themselves -Kaylina Savela
When I’m alone and whisper positive things to myself -Jennie Wang
A bold lipstick color -Anna Learis
When I curl my hair -Mary Kate Kemp
Symbolic self-love rituals -Alaina Schallwig
Wearing clothes that compliment my body -Liz Hoornstra
Painting my nails a fun color -Jenie Li
Wearing sneakers, a leather jacket, and a beanie -Asavari Awasthi
When I make an effort to work out and feel proud of myself afterwards -Anonymous