Wellness Wednesday #4

In the modern age of technology, it is hard to break free from the grasp that social media apps like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram can have on our daily lives. The time we spend scrolling often takes away from moments we could use for self-care and revitalization. While social media can be a valuable resource for keeping updated on friends' lives and discovering new trends, we are often distracted by the influencers and advertisement companies vying for our attention.

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Estella LarsenComment
Wellness Wednesday #3

With midterms in full swing and a limited amount of free time in the day, it’s easy to think of self-maintenance activities as ‘dead time’ during which you can also do things you don’t otherwise get to do, like calling a friend or reading a book. However, after experiencing a week-long period of daily tension headaches, I recently decided to try eating without distraction.

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Ella HedbergComment
Wellness Wednesday #2

Taking time to recharge over fall break was exactly what I needed. It's easy for me to get caught up in the chaos of assignments, deadlines, and daily responsibilities, so having a few days to slow down felt like a gift.

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Josh EfrosComment
Wellness Wednesday #1

Spending free time intentionally is a practice I’ve been working to incorporate more into my life. It might seem contradictory—after all, isn’t free time supposed to be unstructured and spontaneous? But I believe that using it purposefully can be incredibly valuable, allowing one to engage in activities that genuinely bring joy, peace, or relaxation.

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Paul SilaghiComment