Wellness Wednesday #1

Spending free time intentionally is a practice I’ve been working to incorporate more into my life. It might seem contradictory—after all, isn’t free time supposed to be unstructured and spontaneous? But I believe that using it purposefully can be incredibly valuable, allowing one to engage in activities that genuinely bring joy, peace, or relaxation. As a college student, pockets of free time can be hard to come by, so I’ve started thinking more about how I’m spending them. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, could I pick up that book I’ve been wanting to read? Could I use this time to connect with someone I haven’t seen in a while, or dive into a hobby I’ve neglected? These small, intentional choices can make a huge difference in how refreshed and fulfilled I feel. Of course, there are days when binge-watching a show or lounging on the couch is exactly what we need to recharge, and that’s perfectly okay. The key is to make it a conscious decision rather than slipping into autopilot. This #WellnessWednesday, I encourage you to take a moment to consider how you use your free time and make conscious decisions about how to spend it!

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