Chris Evans

“Nothing like anxiety for no reason whatsoever. Looking like a 4pm bedtime for me. Happy Friday!”

Chris Evans sent this out via twitter on October 15th. It’s no new information that Chris Evans struggles with anxiety, or as he refers to it “brain noise.” He has previously discussed how this has affected his career and how it almost led to him turning down the role of Marvel’s Captain America. This tweet by Chris Evans is a perfect example of something a lot of people run into with anxiety. Anxiety can be a very private topic for a lot of people, but when fans saw Chris Evans’ tweet it showed that someone famous (and a superhero at that) goes through the same things. An article by Men’s Health stated how many fans quickly commented their support or felt that it, “strangely makes [them] feel seen.” One fan even commented, “the way I’ll never stop loving you for talking about your mental health...thank you”

Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for someone’s anxiety to skyrocket, and Evan’s tweet is an example of that. His fans were quick to reach out to show support for him when he had this, seemingly random, spike in anxiety. Evans’ has spoken about seeing a therapist before, but has also talked about how some of his Marvel co-stars were also integral to helping him ease anxiety in life and in his role in Captain America. At the time Chris Evans was offered his Marvel deal, Chris Hemsworth had also just signed on. Hemsworth was apparently very helpful in easing Evans’ concerns since Hemsworth was also new to the franchise and was going through all of the same challenges. With the weight of carrying a superhero role, it’s amazing that these actors and actresses can support each other through that unique experience. With these superheros sharing their experiences like this, it can make their fans feel less alone with their anxiety and Chris Evans sure does take on anxiety like a superhero.

(Check out writer Victoria Helrigel’s Chris Evan’s pt. 1 for more on how his anxiety almost kept him from his role as Captain America)

Nicole CorrunkerComment